Terms are boring, here's the short version:
We don't permanently store your personal identifying info on the servers once you sign up with us. We do have it momentarily if someone invites you by phone number, but delete it after you get access to that gallery.
We limit all liability for misinformation or things that you read/see/hear/do with our services. That said, we want you to only do good things with our service. We reserve the right to cancel anyone's account at any time for any reason.
We are governed by US Federal law and Florida state law.
Privacy info
We do not keep your phone numbers with your account in our servers. We immediately turn them into an irreversable code before storing them with your account.
It is kept in a disposable session cookie though, so we can match it with invites and let you log into your account. It may also show up in our server's activity logs as well, but no one can hack into our database and access your number or associate any photos with any phone numbers.
If you are invited by phone number, we will store that phone number as an anonymous invite (not connected to who invited you), so that when you log in, after being invited, you get access to the right gallery. Then we delete it immediately.
We limit our liability
Use this service for good things only. Look, we probably don't know you, or what cool things our users will come up with. We provide a service to you, but we renounce all liability for things you might do with our service. If you get into trouble, it's on you, not us. Cool?
We are not responsible for any losses or damages you incur due to something going wrong with our service. Use this for fun.
We also don’t endorse any particular users and aren’t responsible for any statements made by third parties.
Also, this is a clause removing our liability for any errors in our content.
Content disclaimer
If you do anything illegal with our service and you are reported to us, we'll cancel your service and delete your content. We are not against turning your basic data over to the authorities if required, even though they'll have to do some gymnastics to figure out who you are because we don't store your personal identifying info. We believe in respecting personal privacy.
Anything threatening against entire groups of any people, disadvantaged or not is not tolerated no matter how rational you may think it seems. Treating others well is part of our core beliefs, and this includes what you say or share about people. Usually, at least one innocent person is included in any blanket judgemental statement, and this is 100% not fair. For that simple reason, we don't support that sort of thing. Be good to each other. 🤙
Right to formally amend
As a service provider, we reserve the right to alter the terms of service at will, for any reason, at any time, in order to maintain control of our own platform. We know that you use it, but we built it for everyone, and if for some reason, our directives change and we end up accidentally awakening a sentient AI, then we are going to respond accordingly and restore balance to the universe by unplugging it, so we don't want some legal clause in the TOC getting in our way. Therefore, this is how we protect ourselves for those kinds of scenarios.
Governance info
These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the United States of America and the laws of the State of Florida.
© 2022, Diamondhawk LLC. Coded at the Sandpearl in Clearwater, Florida.